Saturday, July 25, 2009

Petraeus Confirms Failure of Iraq War

General Petraeus, in an interview with a CNN correspondent in Baghdad, confirmed the failure of the war in Iraq when he stated that one of the remaining goals of the US presence is to ensure that the Iraqi forces have the capability of keeping Al Quaeda in check. Despite Bush and company's justification of the war on the basis of ties between Iraq and Al Quaeda, we know that these ties did not exist. Now, after several years of war and occupation, Al Quaeda is firmly established. We can thank the Bush administration for this incredible failure. I am sorry, it is more than a failure! It constitutes a positive help to Al Quaeda. We gave them the opportunity. It might also be worth mentioning that the Afghanistan war not only did not eliminate Al Quaeda, it gave them the opportunity to become an important force in Pakistan. In other words, two wars in the Middle East have done nothing to reduce Al Quaeda, but they have provided opportunity for Al Quaeda to expand its presence and influence in the area. To quote a Quaker bumpersticker: "War is Not the Answer."

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