Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Ted Haggard and House Republicans

What do Ted Hagard and the Republican members of the House of Representatives have in common? No, it is not what you think. What they have in common is that they cannot, evidently, stop old habits. Now, forget about Ted Haggard, because his old habit is trying to grab the spotlight while still not coming clean, and then having to apologize to his church, his family, and God him/herself for one more indiscretion. And, you thought his bad habit was that other thing. He just thought he heard God calling him to make this new documentary, probably to save the souls of many, even while it would put him back in the spotlight and, perhaps, prepare his way back into the pulpit where he could hide behind God again. Was it I who said forget about Ted Haggard. Yes. Forget about him. Because he is, like Elmer Gantry, a side show.

The real damaging addicts are the House Republicans. Their old habit, which the rest of the country managed to kick with this last election,was the habit of thinking that if we just made the rich richer, the rich would share a little of the wealth Trickle down I think they call it. This combined with their other bad habit - extremely partisan politics - made for a day in which, like Haggard, they once again wanted to put the spotlight on themselves while still not coming clean (as to how this same way of thinking has led us into the current black hole) so that soon they once again will have to apologize to the country for one more indiscretion. Thankfully, they are no longer in the majority because previously, this bad habit not only killed the economy, but also what little remained of respect for the nation around the world.

Now, we can all "give thanks to God", that Ted Haggart and the House Republicans share something else in common - the are both irrelevant to the task of salvation.... of souls or the nation. They are a side show, looking for someone to give them attention, put the spotlight on them. It will not happen until they both come clean and admit that they are enslaved to sin and cannot free themselves. Counting time for rehabilitation therapy, this should give souls and the nation a good long time without either Haggard or the Republicans trying to pull a fast one over on us. Unfortunately, it is more likely that they will continue another bad habit they share in common - the seeming inabilty to be quiet, even when no one is listening.

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